Down-regulation stage
This can be a very anxious time and the medications often cause symptoms such as mood swings, fatigue, headaches, and flushes. Your tailored treatment plan will help alleviate these symptoms and ease you through the first stage of your IVF phase.
Ovarian stimulation stage
The aim at this stage is to improve the maturation of the follicles and enhance thickening of the endometrium. Your treatment will be based around scan results and cycle stage.
Egg Retrieval
After this procedure, we need to prepare the body’s receptivity for the implantation phase in days to come. Diet and lifestyle factor recommendations are imperative at this point.
Embryo transfer
You will be treated before and after embryo transfer is completed. Research studies have shown that this method of treatment improves the chance of conception occurring by up to 50%.
The two week wait
In this time where the client is waiting to do a pregnancy test, anxiety levels are very high. Treatment at this time helps to enhance implantation, and ease early pregnancy symptoms such as breast tenderness, cramping, tiredness etc.
One in three couples will experience anxiety relating to fertility. Conceiving can be difficult. Having an understanding of fertility and conception can help alleviate these concerns.
Acupuncture can help alleviate this stress and optimise your health hence improving your chances of a natural conception.
It is recommended that you commence treatment 3 months prior to conception. In this period, a tailored plan will be made for you and your partner with lifestyle, dietary and supplementation advice.